Pictured above is Illinois State's Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, or AGR. They are a professional-social agriculture based fraternity that originated in Indianapolis, Indiana and Illinois State University has a chapter here in Normal, Illinois. There are 71 chapters throughout the United States and has existed for over 100 years. Unlike most houses, you can live in AGR all four years and many of ISU’s AGR members do. It is located on campus at 403 N School St in Normal, Il.  This fraternity has done many good things throughout the past; however, there have been a few recent controversies that have affected the house's current status. 


What AGR Stands For

 Normally, one would have to go through a pledging process to be involved in a fraternity. At Alpha Gamma Rho, there is no pledging because you join as an equal member. However, there are requirements to joining such as above average grades, a future career in agriculture, and a good moral background. Last year pledge class at ISU had over 40 members which is a significantly high number over recent years. Since 1906, the AGR house has prepared young men for after graduation by offering job networking, connections with alumni, and undergraduate seminars. Not only are they focused on the professional aspect of things, but they are socially involved on campus as well. Tailgates, mixers, parties, and intermurals are all fun events offered to the men of AGR as well as sister sororities and family members. Once every two years, brothers of AGR come together at a convention to take a look at AGR's past and into their exceedingly bright future. They spend days learning, discussing, and engaging in brotherhood fun. 



AGR recognizes the men who have worked hard to make the fraternity successful. They offer different awards to alumni members for donating money, achieving success in professional careers, and being the "best of the best." Alpha Gamma Rho has proud alumni who are continually giving back. Throughout many decades, the men of AGR have been proudly representing their frat whether they are currently in it or out working in their agricultural careers. An alum and donor stated, "I credit AGR with teaching me the meaning of brotherhood, cooperation and daily living of character and values." As for community service, AGR has given back by hosting a hog roast every Homecoming for St. Jude along with a mud volleyball tournament in the spring. As far as Greek activities go, AGR never fails to go full out in the All Campus Greek Sing. 

House Suspension

In the fall of 2014, the house had an issue with campus rules. AGR has an annual barn dance down in Champaign. All Greek events must be approved by the University. Since the frat was used to having the dance every year, they had not gotten the event approved yet before having it. That gave them a strike from ISU. Before they had left that night, they had been drinking at their house with their dates. A girl got so intoxicated that the boys dropped her off in front of her sorority house. Since she was so drunk, she ended up passing out on the front steps. When her sorority sisters questioned her about her previous whereabouts, she said that the last place she remembered being was at AGR. A different girl in the sorority was mad about how the situation was handled so she went to the Greek board and complained. That is when the University found out that the barn dance hadn't been registered and that AGR was providing underaged students with alcohol. Originally, the penalty was light being that the frat was to be on probation for the 2015 spring semester. What that entailed was no alcohol or parties along with a few classes about being a responsible fraternity.

2015-2016 School Year

After a couple months of being a dry fraternity, the boys of AGR thought it would be okay to have an exchange with another sorority. It was held in the backyard of the AGR house and was meant to be low key; however, there was alcohol involved and many of the people there were intoxicated by the early afternoon. That's when a girl ran out of the house claiming that one of the members had tried to do sexual things against her will. Everyone left and the members made the accused boy leave because they were so disgusted with him. He was kicked out the next day, but the University was notified that there had been drinking and misconduct. AGR had broken the agreement they had with ISU about their probation. The Greek board and University had a hearing to decide their fate. They agreed to kick the frat off campus for the 2015-2016 year. That means that any representation of AGR is banned including the house's letters, t shirts, etc. The house is now considered an apartment where students can live with no alcohol on the property and no house mothers. The current residents are mainly previous members who are trying to clean up the act of the frat so they can come back next year with a better reputation. 

The Future

Since the boys had no control over the actions of their former frat brother, they are working hard to make sure the better memories of AGR stay alive. They never meant for anything like that to happen and are trying to turn it around. If the fraternity gets voted back onto campus, the year will be dedicated to cleaning up the face of AGR with community service and fundraisers for local charities. If that requires a dry house then they are more than happy to oblige. Mistakes do happen and they are more than willing to do anything to fix it. Overall, AGR does many things to help shape the future of agricultural and the men that will be working in that field. 

AGR has a long history of achievements and are believed to have many more in the future. This fraternity truly benefits young men during college by preparing them for their careers in agriculture. Through brotherhood and their family of alumni, they can pull through and come out on top. Mistakes were made in the past, but now they can be corrected so that AGR can continue representing ISU positively along with other fraternities. 


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