Mowing Lawns:

If your teenager wants to create their business over the summer and not have to go to a place to work, they can create their own mowing business. Over the summer the grass grows faster which means the owner would have to take of it more often which requires a lot of attention. Your teenager would be active  and even be tan from being out side all the time instead of sitting on the couch all day watching television eating junk food. 

Car Washes:

Car washes is a lot an easy way to get money for your teenager. It's self owned and flexible so it will keep your teenager happy and not complaining about working so much. By having your child start their own business, it teaches them responsibility, and gives an idea of what they want to do when they grow up. 


Babysitting is also an easy way to make money over the summer for teenagers. Most teenagers babysit for parents who work during the summer and need someone to spend time with their child since school is out of session. Being a babysitter would teach you teenager to be more responsible since they are taking care of something who is dependent on them. You teenager can create their own rates for hours, or become a full time nanny. Being a nanny would require a lot of responsibility and work for your teenager.