Daubert conversing with CovertProfessor (cropped out for anonymity)

The next Wiki gathering will be Saturday, May 7, 2011, at 2pm at Slide Hill Park! You should come. Yeah, you. It's a potluck, so bring some food and/or drinks. And some friends!

(Why, oh why, is this on Whole Earth Festival Saturday??)


Gonna make it? Add your name! If you know what you're bringing, note that, too! Options include food, drinks, charcoal (don't forget the matches/lighter; match-light briquettes are a plus!), cups + plates + utensils.

  • TomGarberson - bringing veggies of some kind + dips (probably hummus + blue cheese). (No dietary restrictions)
  • NickSchmalenberger Pasta salad (I might not come now though :( )
  • Wes-P - Depends on who eats what... since I don't know many of you atm.
  • JabberWokky - Something or other to eat (leaning towards grillables, meat and veggies). (No dietary restrictions)
  • DagonJones - I will bring some chicken thighs to grill and some beer. Maybe some tortilla chips.
  • MasonMurray - I'll arange something with work. I will bring Charcoal, lighter fuid, etc.
  • KBathory - Can't come 'til after 3. I'll bring whatever I've got on hand, probably some sort of massive salad since I can't stand hot food in warm weather (severe lactose intolerant, will eat anything cheesy anyway but please try to stop me)
  • JoshLawson - I'll be there \m/ (* *) \m/ I'll bring some DollarTree cookies...and my patented brand of neo-con hatred.....Somebody better bring some veal!!
  • WilliamLewis — I'll bring some überhippy organically raised sustainable dead animal that meets Olivia's standards. Maybe she'll devote more time and energy to delicious cæk?
  • MikeIvanov — I'll bring beer. Really, what else do you need?
  • JonathanLawton - I'll bring some sodas and cups

People who wish they could come

  • NicholasBarry - Man, I wish I could come! But I'm tabling for Davis Dollars all day at the Whole Earth Festival. Next time around...
  • BruceHansen - I may make it to the Whole Earth Festival and might not make it out of there. I'm apprehensive of seeing formerly just virtual people. I was thinking of bringing skewers and vegies for shish kabob. (Lacto vegetarian)
  • SarahEdwards - At a bridal event. D'oh!
  • ChristyMarsden - Class field trip all day ... I was totally planning on coming too!
  • JoePomidor - I was actually considering going after coming under considerable pressure by a friend, but unfortunately I have a longstanding preexisting commitment.
  • OliviaY - More likely than not I will have to miss the BBQ (Sad I know but it's for a potentially awesome reason. We'll see...I'm a "maybe" for now)
  • MattHh - If I weren't on the other side of the country ;) I would so be there. Can't believe I never went to one of these when I lived in Davis.
  • deeray82 - I'm so sorry all, I was all gung-ho about coming, but now I'm just not feeling sociable, and that wouldn't go well at all with meeting a whole bunch of new people...


It was great success Folks were met in person, discussion was abound AGTV showed up and took some interviews Habanero Jack was well received! Hot Dogs, Sausages, burgers, salads! The highlights were "Those are on the wiki?!" in response to me complementing TG on his beer photos and Cover Professor made a cameo! Also during the bbq a HUGE 6-8'' branch fell from a tree that was roughly 70 yards away! When it hit the ground an owl flew out! Nuts! o

I actually enjoyed meeting the folks that I have had some rather hostile interactions with!!! They all behaved (SURPRISE!!) rather docile and polite in person..... —JoshLawson

Definitely good to meet you. —tg

It was a good BBQ, saw a lot of editors I knew and met some new ones. Enjoyed chatting with CovertProfessor. We need to not wait so long for the next one. —JasonAller

Great meeting editors in person for the first time: TomGarberson, JabberWokky, DagonJones, JoshLawson, CovertProfessor. Hope to see you all again soon! —JonathanLawton

I was especially impressed by CovertProfessor's hand stands! I was glad to be in a select non covert group. It was great to meet you others that were still there! —BruceHansen

It was well worth the long drive to meet all you people. I really should try to make it out to Davis more often. —MikeIvanov

Sad I missed the fun guys but if you watch season Five of the guild you'll see what I was up to instead. I have one more scene to fill in on before heading home from LA! no lines but lots of fun being background and occasional foreground! Plus I met SO many scifi people doing cameos!!!—OY

I hate to have missed this, but the date choice could barely have been worse; I'm surprised anyone showed up. —SteveDavison