44 Franklin Avenue. Rustic buildings by professional architects were almost always designed as camps in the woods. This impressive house, clearly related to many camp designs, was the exception. On the back is marked "Moir Cabin, Saranac Lake" and "Return to Max Harold Westhoff, Architect." Later William G. Distin, who continued the practice, added his own stamp. Through comparison with other historic photos, the house has been identified as 44 Franklin Avenue. The Sanborn insurance maps didn't cover this neighborhood until 1908, when the footprint of the house did appear, continuing through 1924. In 1931, the house was gone. A little arrow points to 46 Franklin, as if the vacant property had been annexed to its neighbor. Today a different house, numbered 64, occupies its former location. Adirondack Daily Enterprise, November 12, 2011. Address: 60 Franklin Avenue

Old Address: 44 Franklin Avenue

Other names: S.F. Taylor (1911), Harrison Cabin (1912), Duerr Cottage (1928), Bush Cottage (1931); DIS. Also Moir Cabin on the accompanying photo.

Year built: Before 1908, destroyed by 1931

Other information: The lot near the street is presently empty (2011), but there is a building at the far back end of the lot.

