What do you know about Pa.’s largest community college eliminates campus mental health counseling for 17,000 students?

Pennsylvania's largest community college, The Harrisburg Area Community College has eliminated all on-campus mental health counseling for its students. This is mainly the result of falling enrollment and a growing budget deficit. College mental health experts say that eliminating on-campus counseling is risky given the persistent rise in the number of students experiencing depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Especially since suicide is the second-leading cause for that age group. College students with mental health issues no longer have a resource, which can unfortunately lead to terrible repercussions in the future. College students with mental health issues will have a greater chance of dropping out or being hospitalized if they aren't able to reach out for help. A 2016 study found that about 50% of community college students reported a mental health condition, a greater proportion than students at four-year colleges. 


I chose this article for the course because I think it ties in with the psychological module of mental health and psychology. With mental health on the rise, colleges across the nations should be expanding their counseling resources, not depriving students of these valuable resources. 

