The Oaksterdam Raid of 2012

Oaksterdam University and Oaksterdam Museum, two premier, nationally renowned education institutions, harassed but undaunted by Federal discouragement and interference, are continuing our unified educational programs. Since the raids, viewing the museum garden has been available by special arrangement only.

The museum space was originally sponsored by Richard Lee, founder of  Oaksterdam University and sponsor of California’s Prop 19 initiative to legalize marijuana that lost by fewer than four percent. Lee also operated the Oakland city-licensed cannabis dispensary Blue Sky Coffeeshop. Along with his other business locations, the Oaksterdam  Museum was raided by Obama administration officials April 2, 2012, its garden destroyed, and several exhibits damaged.

Both the university and museum are now situated at 1734 Telegraph Ave., and both institutions were formerly located at 1776 Broadway at 19th St. (home of the Prop 19 effort) and 1600 Broadway (site of the Oaksterdam Mural destroyed by vandals in 2012). If you are a visionary business person with the courage of your convictions and a belief in our system, please join us. We are looking for a commercial property owner, investment funders who wish to participate in this growing industry too, and for donors and volunteers to help us with our intern, docent and development strategies. Please email [email protected] to get involved and help us thrive!