2014-03-25 Wiki Spot board meeting minutes

Meeting started at 6:44 PM PDT

Present via Google Hangouts:

  • Arlen
  • Reid
  • Matt
  • Philip
  • Mike

Philip motions to approve the minutes from 7/21/2013. Arlen seconds. Minutes unanimously approved.

Philip gives the Executive Director update. Good progress technically on the new platform. Trying to figure out where to get new funding. June is an important internal deadline to get an “MVP” of the new platform ready. Imported a lot of projects, starting with smaller ones, now gearing up to import larger ones. Holding more hangouts and community meetings, working especially with libraries. Philip answers questions regarding how to empower communities to work with LocalWiki.

Mike gives the treasurer report. Balance as of last meeting was $90,533. We spent $85,276. Our income was $100,000. The current balance is $105,257 which at the current rate of spending will take us through about 9 months. FY 2012 Form 990 is in progress.

Philip gives a fundraising update.

Philip gives an update about the advisory board. Sent out 8-10 personal invitations. Got 5 yes responses.

Philip motions to form an advisory committee. Matt seconds. Unanimously approved forming the advisory committee. Philip will send out an email about voting on members of the advisory board.

Arlen asks about this board. Philip discusses vacancies.

Arlen asks about when to schedule the next board meeting. The meeting will be scheduled in one month.

Philip talks briefly about the process to change the name of the organization.

Arlen motions to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM PDT.