Parent Voices Sacramento (916) 369-3387 A parent-led grassroots organization fighting to make quality child care affordable and accessible to all families.

Sacramento Child Advocates (916) 364-5686 Represents children in dependency and other legal proceedings involving the care, custody or control of a minor.

Superior Court of California - Family Law Facilitator (916) 875-3400 Assistance with form completion, procedural instructions, service of documents, and referrals for family law and probate self represented litigants. Areas of service include dissolution of marriage, legal separation, nullity, establishment of paternity, child custody and visitation, child and spousal support and guardianship. Services delivered through workshop classes, clinics and individual assistance.

Superior Court of California - Guardianship (916) 875-6357 Services to individuals or families who wish to become guardians of dependent children of the court.

Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (916) 376-8915 Provides free, unbiased information to help clients understand their rights and assist them in finding resources to cover their health needs. Does not sell, endorse, or recommend any specific insurance.

This article is a Naked List, and needs content added to it so it's more than just a list.