Photo by John Pilge, summer 2010. Merk Lake is located on private property in the area of Corralitos. There is no public access.

From the few maps of the area, it can be learned that Merk Lake is about Latitude 36.97081 and Longitude -121.81134. The elevation of the area is about 200 feet above sea level.

According to bird watchers in Santa Cruz, the Eurasian Wigeon and California Thrasher have been seen at Merk Lake.

History When the property was owned by Mary Kern, it was known as Kern's Pond or Kern's Lake. When owned by Michael Merk, it adopted the name Merk Lake. The intermittent creek feeding the lake and the nearest road, share the name.


The US Geological Survey consider it an unnamed body of water (more than 10 acres in size) on the map called Watsonville West. Until the Geographical Institute of Names gets a request to make an official name, it shall stay unnamed on official maps.

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