We are the Washington Initiative... and we are in love with baked goods... so much so, that we have to remind ourselves that there are "other foods in the fridge", as it were.

The Washington Initiative - it's a thing.
Event Info:
Bake sale. Good, cheap noms. All proceeds benefitting
our documentary - "Taking Initiative: Nation of Heroes".
Saturday, June 15th from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Victor Steinbruek Park at Pike Place Market... and/or Westlake Center Park

We will be having a Pop-Up Bake Sale on Saturday, June 15th at both Pike Place Market and Westlake Center Park to raise money for our documentary - "Taking Initiative: Nation of Heroes". This documentary explores our international group's need to do good for the world and our trip from CA to NY in search of others who are compelled to do the same. We're an international volunteer organization, comprised of nerds, ninjas, passionate do-gooders and rebels... and we want to highlight the good shit people are doing in this country in hopes of inspiring others to take action on their own!

We would love nothing more than to shove delectable eats in your mouth at our Pop-Up Bake Sale! If you can get excited about the idea of promoting hope, positive community impact and celebrating the unsung heroes in our country (as opposed to the Kim Kardashians, Honey Boo Boos and Jackasses), we would love for you to stop by.
If you can't get excited about that, but just love homemade noms... stop by!

Goodies will be starting as low as $1.00...!

(You can, Keanu... you can.)