The Golden Gate Shuttle, not to be confused with Golden Gate Transit will help you get around Golden Gate Park on the weekend.

It runs 9 am - 6 pm on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, every 15 - 20 minutes.

While it is not clear whether the route is a loop or a line that runs bi-directionally, the website lists the stops from east to west as

  1. McLaren Lodge
  2. AIDS Memorial Grove\Koret Playground
  3. Conservatory of Flowers
  4. de Young Museum
  5. California Academy of Sciences
  6. Rose Garden
  7. JFK @ Stow Lake Dr
  8. JFK Dr @Transverse Dr
  9. Marx Meadow
  10. Spreckels Lake
  11. Bison Paddock
  12. Dutch Windmill
  13. Ocean Beach
  14. Murphy Windmill