Vinod Khosla is a tech venture capitalist who runs Khosla Ventures.

Tech & housing in SF

In 2014, Khosla made some public statements about the insanity of SF housing costs:

"Recently, billionaire venture capitalist Vinod Khosla went hunting for one-bedroom apartments in San Francisco. Khosla was helping a friend find a place. What he got was sticker shock.

"I said, 'No way can a housekeeper or gardener afford that,' " Khosla told The Chronicle. "For someone making $20 or $25 an hour, I don't think they can afford a house anywhere between San Francisco and San Jose."" [SF Chronicle]

He is aware of the role of how new technologies currently get created in fostering this:

""What's happening is if you have a great idea and the technical skills to implement it, you can create disproportionate wealth very quickly," he said. "That's good by itself, except it increases disparity."" ...

""What that does is it creates more wealth and jobs for a few and takes away jobs at the bottom end of the spectrum," he said." [SF Chronicle]

Private beach

Wikipedia says: "Martin's Beach was previously a popular family beach and surf spot [south of Half Moon Bay] before Khosla purchased the property adjacent to the beach and blocked access. The previous owners of the land had allowed the public to access the beach for a fee. Khosla won a victory in May 2014, when Judge Gerald Buchwald issued a ruling which concluded that Martin's Beach LLC 1 and 2, the formal owners of Martin's Beach, can block public access to the beach, due to an exemption granted by the treaty which ended the Mexican-American war. The judge concluded that Khosla's property is not subject to aspects of the California Constitution because it was originally a rancho that predated the State.[18]"

Here's another article about the dispute.

Victim of extortion plot

Khosla's daughter's ex-bf tried to extort loads of money from Khosla after his daughter broke up with him. It didn't work. Here's the story on Valleywag.

News, etc.