SFSU has a wide variety of concert options with different styles of music; ranging from classical, gospel to modern (hip hop, edm, alternative, etc). The majority of these events can be found the Associate Student Page . These events are mainly held on campus which are free to Students with a school ID. All these free local events allow students to explore different genres and find new styles of music. 

SFSU also has a student based Gospel Choir, Gospel Gators that hold concerts on campus. Furthermore, the Depot, also holds stand up comedy on top of musical events both local or touring artists/bands.

Due, to COVID-19 all campus activities have ceased until further notice to stop the spread. However, the Morrison Chamber Music is still holding virtual concerts every other month, which can be found on their website.


The main location of these concerts are held in the Liberal & Creative Arts building as well as the Cesar Chavez student center.

Knuth Hall, Liberal & Creative Arts Building

The Depot, 1650 Holloway Ave (Cesar Chavez Student Center).

Morrison Chamber Music, 1756 Holloway (Liberal & Creative Arts Building).


There is limited information for these venues, however, each location has calendars display upcoming events. Most of these events are not successfully advertised on campus.

Knuth Hall, https://music.sfsu.edu/news-announce/news-announcement-1

The Depot, https://dothebay.com/venues/the-depot-sfsu/past_events

Morrison Chamber Music, https://morrison.sfsu.edu/

Gospel Gators, http://www.gospelgators.org/

Other Events:

Other events on campus, https://lca.sfsu.edu/events

Contact Information:

Knuth Hall,    [email protected]

The Depot,   [email protected]

Morrison Chamber Music,  [email protected]

Also see
