Location: Creative Arts Building

Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Phone: (415) 338-1471

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://lca.sfsu.edu/


The College of Liberal & Creative Arts has events that anyone can attend.  Events include performances from the Theater & Dance department and Art Night in The Depot.  Sadly, these events are not well advertised and students miss the opportunity to attend them. There are posters all over the campus, but most ignore them or think they are old. Another way people find out about these events is your Liberal & Creative Arts classes.

The best place to find these events is on the Liberal & Creative Arts website Calendar. On the calendar they list the events with a description, time and place of the event, as well as who to contact if you have any questions. Since Covid-19 has closed the school these events are all canceled.        


Unfortunately, the amount of resources to learn about San Francisco State University's art events and opportunities are limited. Although, certain departments do have social media pages up and running, which is the best way to learn about upcoming events in today's world. Known pages are listed below.

Cinema Collective: https://instagram.com/cinemacollective_sfsu?igshid=19qh7bjc9ytev 

- Posting upcoming cinema opportunities or film festivals
AS Productions: https://instagram.com/as_productions_sfsu?igshid=1lot3q6finwdw 

- Posting upcoming concerts, Depot shows, and more