Where can I get it?

Narcan is given out, free of charge with no questions asked through the SFSU Health Promotion and Wellness Department. 

The SFSU Health Promotion and Wellness Department is located at Village A, across from City Eats and Mary Ward.

Narcan can be requested by visiting the Health Promotion and Wellness Department Office in person.

What is Narcan?

Narcan is a drug that is designed to reverse the effects of opioids such as oxycodone, fentanyl, and heroine.

The above image shows what Narcan commonly looks like, including the packaging that its commonly found in 

How do I use it?

Narcan is used by inserting the medication device into one of the nostrils of the person who has overdosed. Then you push the plunger on the device up, after this is done the medication has been administered. Monitor the person who has overdosed closely and call 911.

For more detailed instructions follow the following link to the page of instructions given by the Health Promotion and Wellness Department.
