Location: Village at Centennial Square, 750 Font Blvd., Suite 5000

Hours: Tuesdays: 8:30-11:30am, Wednesdays: 1:30-4:30pm ( virtual appointments via zoom due to COVID)

Website: https://wellness.sfsu.edu/nutrition-clinic

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 415-338-1251

SFSU has a Nutrition Clinic that offers a lot of great services in which one of them is a Nutritionist. Students at SFSU can schedule one-on-one nutrition counseling appointments with the nutritionist on campus at no cost. Sessions of appointments go up to 40 minutes of nutritional assessment, counseling, education and goal setting. Danielle is a Health at Every Size(HAES) Nutritionist at SFSU and is welcoming to anyone and everyone. The nutritionist can help with anything from food preferences, your own needs, personal nutritional goals, your wellbeing, academic success, or just nutrition counseling. Due to COVID appointments are currently held via zoom video chat. If you want to make an appointment definitely give them a call or visit there website to make an appointment.  

Also See:

Student Health Services

Health Promotion and Wellness