Gator Groceries

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Guardian Scholars Program

Metro Academies

Veterans Services


 SFSU Resources for Low-income Students

Essential data


Location: Student Services (Suite 201)


Hours: M-F 8:00am to 5:00pm


Website url: https://sfsu/orfss.edu


Email: [email protected]


Phone: (415)338-1085


Interpretive data


Summary paragraph of services or activities:


EOP (Educational Opportunity & Pathway Programs) is a program that provides services such as Student Support Services (SSS) and Guardian Scholars Program (GSP). EOP provides mentors that can assist you with any questions you may have. The website is easy to access. EOP provides many resources at SF State. This support system also includes Veterans services to is able to provide United States Armed Forces reach their educational objectives. The SSS has a goal to increase graduation and retention rates so they often focus on a small group of students at a time. Whereas GSP focuses on undergraduate students who are under foster care. EOP also helps apply for Financial Aid and how to navigate through theses resources with their new advisor. There are also other resources provided within EOP such as tutoring services and basic needs. If you sign up for the email you may get notifications on events you may attend with friends!


Evaluation paragraph to include brief assessment and/or recommendations:


While these resources are easy to access it would be helpful to create a more organized website. I do not have many recommendations other than to create more events that provide a safe space for the college students.




            Low-income students, student housing, affordable care, financial aid


“Also see” Housing





Visual features (give brief description below of any digital images you have)


Campus map with location: The Student Services building, which is pointed at can answer majority of anyone’s question about low-income resources.