
  • HARVESTS: up to the individuals participating.  could be individual use, community use or even local markets (Questions: Would the orientation of the workshop be different depending which of these they choose? If so, will you do a survey of participants in advance?)  (MS: It would definitely affect the targets we choose and the distribution network we want to talk about. Is it individual use only, or will it be a system where excess it brought to the teaching farm market? Will it be community based with participants accessing the food from storage at the garden? Will it all be sold?)
  • LAND: possible access to a communal plot; this could be managed by many people as 1 large garden, or as smaller individual garden plots; otherwise, if communal plot(s) not accessible, participants can grow wherever is suitable for them



  • Already established: Port aux Basques
  • This year
    • Isle aux Morts
    • Codroy Valley
  • classroom setting with internet access


SOME Q's ...

  • fees involved? Hosting fees for workshop? (I'm working on a public engagement grant application today and will include this in the budget.) (MS: No Charge to host at CNA, will know about catering on Monday)
  • are we looking to teach participants more homesteading/self-sufficiency skills or business/profit-making type skills?  or a perhaps a combination? Maybe gauge for both in first workshop? Talk abt homesteading skills and business skills. (Good idea to use the first workshop to discuss this. Gauging at the workshop might work re my query above too.) (MS: Maybe emphasize small scale this year? The community garden can grow over time, and we want to make this manageable chunks right?)


POTENTIAL OUTLINE... (feel free to pick apart!)

hour 1:

  • introductions Who we are, ask guests to introduce themselves?
  • explaining workshop method, approach and goals; Detail schedule for day, how we're approaching topics on sched
  • Give participants a chance to share why they are there, and what they hope to get out of the workshop Should this go with introductions or after our workshop details? (Presumably you will have given them an outline of the workshop goals and activities in advance so they know what they are coming to. Thus, beginning with introductions in which they include something about their needs and interests would be good. I would also suggest asking them specifically to talk about their past experience with gardening and, if they have experience, draw on it and refer to it as the workshop progresses.) (MS: I think this one is particularly important because we dont want this project perceived as some new people trying to tell anyone what to do, we need to tailor this to what the people involved feel their community needs - should note that right away?)
  • potential plans for 2019 growing season (Is this a discussion, or something you will present to them, or a combination? What will you cover here? Will you need any resources i.e. videos, photos, powerpoint outline, flip-chart, handouts? Having some visual support can be helpful if anyone is hard of hearing and can also add interest in a long session. For example, you could show the video about the Hayes farm as inspiration, though that could also be in hour 3.) (MS: potential crop layouts [2 or 3?] and resources to plan one specifically for the needs brought up in the session. The tool I use for companion planting is really simple, and if we have a few preplanned, they'll be easier to modify. There's certain staples we know will be planted like potatoes, turnips, carrots etc but we can adjust plans as we go, we'll just need the plot tilled beforehand.)

Re hours 2 and 3, there may be films on some of these topics that could be used. Is anyone in the group aware of any? I'll have a look and add what I find if you'd like me to. I'd also suggest that somewhere in here you find a way to have people do something in partners or small groups and/or a hands on activity involving some moving around. This will help keep people engaged and focussed. Would you like me to help build these in? (MS: yes please! Any suggestions / resources will help!)

hour 2:

  • inform ... go over the stats.
    • Stats Can.  NFU.  CBC? Others?  What stats do we need? avg farmer age and food production info in canada / atlantic / nl?
  • The 'state of the family farm' in Canada/Atlantic Canada/NFLD. 
  • Talk climate change.  How it affects and will affect NL
  • Talk food trends.
    • define, explain, detail 

hour 3:

  • inspire
  • what folks are doing to expand/promote/distribute 'good food'; real world examples. Vague; details? Does it fit here or later in workshop? (I think here is good or even switch hours 2 and 3 so you do the "inspire" part before the stats etc. There may be an hour long film or a couple of shorter ones that could, be used to inspire and generate discussion.)

hour 4:

  • planning a market garden
  • identifying likely inputs needed for your climate and community. 
  • Any items share-able? (ie hoophouse/GH space, plant stands/lights/heating mates, cooler/cellar space, tractors and implements, rototillers, compost/fertilizers etc)
    • discuss equipment sharing similar to pasture sharing
    • communal compost program?
    • root cellars? Any still in use willing to share space? Know of any not in use but usable?

(Can hours 5 and 6 incorporate a short field trip? Is there a relevant site the group could visit such as an existing garden, greenhouse or composting program or the potential garden site in Isle aux Morts -- actually looking at types of equipment, what the soil is like, crops that could do well, etc.? Is there a knowledgeable person who could lead such a tour? It would be good to have an experiential component to the curriculum and I think that might fit here.) (MS: Thinking now this might be day 2?)

hour 5:

  • planning a market garden
  • defining the scale/scope of your operation
    • for profit (ie. $$)? 
    • for self-sufficiency (ie. food)? 
    • combination?
      • if profit we start by setting income targets, then designing the garden and crops around how much $$ you need to make
      • if food is the focus, we start by examining the land available, then design the garden and crops around the land available
      • matching the equipment and human resource needs to scale/scope of farm

hour 6:

  • planning a market garden
    • choosing your crops
    • equipment considerations
    • harvest targets

hour 7:

  • planning a market garden
  • creating a field planting schedule, crop maps


(If you can do what I suggest in hours 5-6, you could then relate hour 7 to what they saw and learned and how to implement it.) 

hour 8:

  • creating greenhouse schedule
  • ordering seeds

hour 9:

  • the field operations calendar ??

hour 10:

  • how to identify/find/access additional information you need for success Provide info packet? Or digital version? (If digital, you will need to know whether that will work for all participants. Maybe good to have both options available.) (MS: Seconding the both idea)
  • set participants up with mentor? (Do you have mentors in mind? If not, this will need some groundwork.) (MS: Mentor group maybe? Work with seniors and home gardeners in area)